Mariage Freres 블렌딩 정보

[ Mariage Freres ]

1854 –  Mixture of chinese and indian teas with jasmine.
Abricot –  Black tea and apricots
Afternoon Tea –  Mixture of Ceylan and India teas. Aromatic, a bit strong.
Amande –  Black tea, flavour of almond
Assam Numalighur   
Bal Masque –  An amazing mixture of black teas.
Balthazar –  Mixture of roasted green tea from Japan, Ceylan black tea and exotic fruits
Banane –  Black tea and bannana. An amazing mixture.
Bel ami –  Green tea flowered and with vanilla
Birthday Tea   
Bouddha bleu –  Velvety green tea, sweetened fruit taste ripe
Bourbon –  Vanilla and caffeine flavor
Breakfast Earl Grey –  Black ceylan tea, a dense flavour due to the bergamot.
Butterscotch –  Black tea, chocolate and caramel
Cannelle –  Black tea, cinnamon flavor
Cannelle-Orange :  Cinnamon and the orange Flavors.
Caramel –  Black tea. The caramel gives an interresting flavour of this tea
Casablanca –  About the leaf of the Moroccan mint and the fragrance of the bergamot were brought together well, the flavor tea of refreshing taste
Cassis –  Blackcurrant and black tea
Cerise –  Cherry and black tea
Ceylan Dimbula –  Ceylon Broken Orange Pekoe
Ceylan Dimbula Diyagama –  Ceylon Broken orange Pekoe
Ceylan Dimbula Kenilworth –  Ceylon Orange Pekoe One
Ceylan Dimbula Loinorn –  Ceylon Pekoe
Ceylan Dimbula Pettiagalla –  Ceylon Orange Pekoe One
Ceylan Dimbula Pettiagalla –  Ceylon Orange Pekoe
Ceylan Dimbula Radella –  Ceylon Broken Orange Pekoe
Ceylan Dimbula Somerset –  Ceylon Pekoe
Ceylan Dimbula Theresia –  Ceylon Broken Orange Pekoe
Ceylan Dimbula Uda Radella –  Ceylon Broken Orange Pekoe Fannings
Ceylan Galle Allen Valley –  Ceylon Flowery Orange Pekoe
Ceylan Galle Berubeula FOP –  Ceylon Flowery Orange Pekoe
Ceylan Galle Berubeula OP1 –  Ceylon Orange Pekoe One
Ceylan Galle Devonia –  Ceylon Flowery Orange Pekoe
Ceylan Galle Galaboda –  Ceylon Orange Pekoe One
Ceylan Lover s leap –  Ceylon Pekoe
Ceylan Maha Gastotte –  Ceylon Broken Orange Pekoe
Ceylan Nuwara Eliya –  Ceylan Orange Pekoe
Ceylan Ratnapura –  Ceylon Orange Pekoe
Ceylan Tommagong –  Ceylon Broken Orange Pekoe Fannings
Ceylan Uva Aislaby –  Ceylon Broken Orange Pekoe
Ceylan Uva Attempettia –  Ceylon Flowery Pekoe
Ceylan Uva Blairmond –  Ceylon Orange Pekoe
Ceylan Uva Bombagalla –  Ceylon Broken Orange Pekoe
Ceylan Uva Dyraaba BOPF –  Ceylon Broken Orange Pekoe Fannings
Ceylan Uva Dyraaba FP –  Ceylon Flowery Pekoe
Ceylan Uva High Forest –  Ceylon Broken Orange Pekoe
Ceylan Uva Highlands BOP –  Ceylon Broken Orange Pekoe
Ceylan Uva Highlands BOPF –  Ceylon Broken Orange Pekoe Fannings
Ceylan Uva Highlands FP –  Ceylon Flowery Pekoe
Ceylan Uva Saint James BOP –  Ceylon Broken Orange Pekoe
Ceylan Uva Saint James OP –  Ceylon Orange Pekoe
Chandernagor –  A hot tea ! Black tea with clove, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and pepper.
Choco menthe –  Mint chocolate flavor
Chocolat –  Black tea with sweet chocolate flavor. Need sugar, please try it !
Chrysantheme –  Green with the flavor of chrysanthemum
Darjeeling Castleon FF –  First flush. The best of Darjeeling.
Earl Grey French Blue
Earl Grey Imperial –  The flavor of the Darjeeling tea which attaches the elegant fragrance of the bergamot
Eros –  The black tea for the sweethearts :-) Hibiscus and mauve flowers.  
Esprit de Noel –  A sweet black tea flavoured with spices of Christmas
Etoile de France –  Fruits flavoured green tea
Evening Tea
Fils de France
Five O Clock Tea
Fleur d oranger oolong –  Semi-fermented tea and orange tree flowers
Fraise –  Black tea with strawberries
Framboise –  Raspberry and black tea
Fruit de la passion –  Black tea with passion fruits
Fruits rouges –  Red fruits flavors.
Groseille –  Black tea with currant flavor
Imperatrice –  Fine blend of teas from China and India
Iri –  Korean green tea, pleasant and tonic
Lapsang Souchong Imperial –  Should we really introduce it to you ?
Lunch Tea  
Mahe –  Excellente mixture of indian black tea, pleasant green tea and semi-fermented tea.
Maison de the –  A morning tea.
Maloon –  Sweet and aromatic rare tea from Nepal
Mangue –  The flavor of the mango
Marco polo –  Black tea. Always popular by its superior flavor of fruits and flowers from China and Tibet.
Marco Polo Rouge  
Melon –  french melon flavor
Miel –  The flavor of the honey
Mirabelle –  Yellow plum flavor
Mityana –  An african black tea from Ouganda, strong, plain and spiced flavour
Can replace coffee.
Mont Cameroun –  African black tea from Cameroun, malted, aromatic and colored flavour.
Montagne d or –  sweet flowery blend
Mure sauvage –  Blackberry of woods
Myrtille –  Bilberry flavor
Noix de coco –  Coconut flavor
Orange –  Orange flavor
Pamplemousse –  This is the flavor of the grapefruit
Paramaribo –  A mixture of african colonial teas. Strong tea with vanilla flavour.
Peche –  Peach flavor
Peppermint –  Green tea with mint
Pharaon –  Green tea of India with fruits from Egypt
Phenix –  Bourbon vanilla, caramel and honey
Pistache –  Black tea with pistachio nut flavor  
Pleine Lune –  Combination of fruits and vanilla
Poire –  Black tea, flavor of pear
Pomme –  Appel flavor
Renaissance –  Mixture of sweet tea from China, Taiwan and Japan.
Rhum –  Black tea with rum flavor
Rose d Himalaya –  A unique black Darjeeling
Ruschka –  Black tea with citrus fruits.
Sakura –  Blend tea of flower, green tea and cherry
Tea Party –  Fine blend of black teas from China and Taiwan
The de fete –  Luxurious species of spices, citrus and exotic fruits to perfume this China tea
The de l An 2000 –  Green tea fruity, flowered and vanilla
The de Paques
The sur le Nil –  Lemon flavoured green tea
Tropical –  Flavors of the tropical fruits. A really refreshing taste
Vanille des iles –  Black tea of afternoon. Vanilla flavor
Wedding –  Ceylon of upper quality, not too dense nor too thin, is exactly good condition
Yellow tea five dynasties –  Yellow tea. Rare tea from China (Hunan).
Yin zhen –  The best white tea from China. A very hight quality and rare tea.

* 티앙팡님에 의해서 게시물 복사되었습니다 (2006-03-13 16:22)

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